> 1. DBusIntrospect is ignored, as Ant already has .xml.
> Since .xml is hardly distinct, I suggest removing both.
> 2. DBusIntrospect & Glade may not be supported at all,
> if ctags was built without libxml.
OK. I'll remove them by the same method as you.
# :langmap=DBusIntrospect\:.xml:\
> 3. The real problem is suffixes don't accumulate, which stops
> C++ from working at all - .inl is replacing all the other extensions.
It seems to work well in my Mac.
$ touch a.inl b.cpp c.c++
$ gtags --gtagsconf=/usr/local/share/gtags/gtags.conf --gtagslabel=new-ctags --explain
- File 'a.inl' is handled as follows:
suffix: |.inl|
language: |C++|
parser: |parser|
- File 'b.cpp' is handled as follows:
suffix: |.cpp|
language: |C++|
parser: |parser|
- File 'c.c++' is handled as follows:
suffix: |.c++|
language: |C++|
parser: |parser|