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RE: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch
From: |
Cooper, Anthony |
Subject: |
RE: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch |
Date: |
Mon, 26 Sep 2016 16:20:25 +0100 |
Hi Shihio,
Thank you for replying.
The intention of my patch was to really address case 1. I did look at
implementing something akin to scenario 2, but felt that was of less benefit (I
admit a purely selfish decision! :-)).
I tried to think of the times when one would most likely want to use
this feature and apart from the C++ STL case, probably the most likely case is
when a project is using scripting languages in suffixless executable files;
thus possibly leading to quite a large mixture of language exceptions in a
project. Hence I opted for an approach that was good at handling potentially
very long lists.
However looking at your idea it does have the value of consistency with
ctags, offers greater flexibility and still meets my `put it in a config file'
requirement, so yes your idea does look better.
I did notice a couple of things though:
- You refer to `C++' in your example, would it not be better to use `cpp'? As
this is consistent with values used in the config file and can be validated
against the list of supported languages as I do for suffixless_lamgmap.
- Also the path matching. Wouldn't having this as a regex give the best of both
worlds? If you wanted to match a file you could end in a $ as in 'boot-system$'
or a directory component '/include/'. Otherwise you might find yourself trying
to stipulate that a file `run-command' is Perl but also inadvertently mark
everything under a `run-command' directory in the same project as Perl as well?
I know it's a rather contrived example, but it could happen...
As for case 2, that's fine, although I'm not sure where one would use
it though unless Global copes with Makefile, COPYING, CHANGELOG etc type files
(which it may do via ctags for all I know :-)).
BTW many thanks for Global, it's _such_ a useful tool :-).
If you're happy with the two points above would you like me to make a
new patch or would you rather do it yourself?
Yours sincerely,
-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Shigio YAMAGUCHI
Sent: 23 September 2016 02:20
To: Cooper, Anthony
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch
Thank you for the patch and suggestion.
I'd like to separate this issue in two cases.
case1: Files under the specific directory like /usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Should that be written on the configuration file as a rule?
In fact shouldn't that be written on the command line of gtags?
$ gtags --language-force=C++:include --language-force=C++:project/include
--language-force=<language>:<file or directory> If it is a file, it is
considered <language> source file.
If it is a directory, all files under it are considered <language> source file.
If needed, you can make this option default:
# Making project base gtags.conf
$ echo 'default: GTAGS_OPTIONS=--language-force=C++\:include \
--language-force=C++\:project/include' >gtags.conf
$ gtags # gtags is executed as 'gtags --language-force=...'
case2: Files which have a specific name like 'Makefile'
Since it is considered as a rule, it should be written on the configuration
file, I think. For example, 'Makefile' should be written like:
# A pattern matches only to files.
'(<pattern>)' is a syntax of ctags(1)'s langmap. Since I borrowed 'langmap'
from ctags(1), I would like to copy that again.
What do you think?
2016-09-21 23:52 GMT+09:00 Cooper, Anthony <address@hidden>:
Hi all,
I've included a patch that allows global to parse and index
files without an extension (typically C++ header files, e.g.
/usr/include/c++/4.8/algorithm and many more). This works by having a set of
rules whereby a user can specify path regexs and the corresponding source file
types for files without a suffix. This is done by specifying a rule, similar to
langmap, like this:
default: \
This can be specified on multiple lines like langmap. Also the
regex can be used to match any part of a path, including the filename if
I know you want patches that apply to the head of your main
branch but unfortunately our organisation's firewall prevents me from
connecting to your CVS server, so they are based on your latest release (6.5.4).
Tony Cooper.
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- GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch, Cooper, Anthony, 2016/09/21
- Re: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch, Shigio YAMAGUCHI, 2016/09/22
- RE: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch,
Cooper, Anthony <=
- Re: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch, Shigio YAMAGUCHI, 2016/09/27
- Message not available
- Message not available
- RE: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch, Cooper, Anthony, 2016/09/29
- Re: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch, Shigio YAMAGUCHI, 2016/09/29
- RE: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch, Cooper, Anthony, 2016/09/30
- Re: GNU Global Parsing Suffixless Files Patch, Shigio YAMAGUCHI, 2016/09/30