I'm aware of XDG recommendations, but it was not my point.
I was just thinking of checking for alternative name (like DOS_GTAGSRC is checked if GTAGSRC is not found).
The purpose I see a way to hide (using dot-prefix) global configuration from clients who don't use and don't care about global.
That's it.
However there is another story. You have listed 1-8 strategies of providing global configuration.
I would divide it into 3 categories:
- System configuration: SYSCONF
- User configuration: USERCONF
Directory configuration: DIRCONF
I would have:
- DIRCONF: Inherits and shadows USERCONF (if USERCONF is defined, if not ihnerits and shadows SYSCONF if SYSCONF is defined)
- USERCONF: Inherits and shadows SYSCONF (if SYSCONF is defined)
For example:
There is some C++ project that is using some non-standard files extensions like .IPP to indicate interface headers.
For this particular project I would have to define GTAGSCONF as follows:
The problem is, I have to provide whole configuration per project (directory), so effectively I would copy SYSCONF to project directory and make that change (add .IPP to the cpp parser).
$ cp /etc/gtags.conf MYPROJ/ (and edit local copy)
Instead I would like to append that entry; using some imaginary termcap notation:
Or let's say I'm working on several projects and it's common for my organization to have BUILD directory in project root path (like MYPROJ/BUILD) and one of these projects is using special extensions for C source files to indicate code standard, like .c98 and .c99.
For every single project I would have to copy GTAGSCONF to its root patch.
I would have to change the skip entry in every configuration to ignore BUILD directory as follows:
And I would have edit langmap for buildin-parser only for one project with non-standard extensions (.c89 and .c99) as follows:
Instead, I'd like to append BUILD/ to skip list for my user, by editing USERCONF using some imaginary termcap notation:
And I'd like to append non-standard suffixes to project's DIRCONF only using some imaginary termcap notation:
This way my "single USERCONF" and "single DIRCONF" would contain few lines of information instead of hard copy of whole GTAGSCONF.
What do you think about that Shigio-san?
Jacek Migacz