> I'm sorry, is indentation broken(mail text)?
No problem.
> - path = p.stdout.readline().rstrip()
> + if sys.version_info < (3,):
> + path = p.stdout.readline().rstrip()
> + else:
> + path = io.TextIOWrapper(p.stdout, encoding='latin1').readline().rstrip()
Can I change it as follows?
- path = p.stdout.readline().rstrip()
+ if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ path = io.TextIOWrapper(p.stdout, encoding='latin1').readline().rstrip()
+ else:
+ path = p.stdout.readline().rstrip()
If 'encoding=...' is not needed for UNIX, I want to prevent the code
from running on UNIX.