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Editor (execute any command) options processing

From: masterenoc
Subject: Editor (execute any command) options processing
Date: Sat, 4 May 2024 21:20:20 +0200 (CEST)

Hi all,

I have been using Gnu Global for a while and I noticed gtags-cscope
cannot execute binaries with options and argument. This "execution" of
binaries is seldomly used, I only saw it when a new shell is run (!
command) and to execute the editor in a file, being the later the
reason I made this patch.

I use emacsclient and I like to use the editor "emacsclient -n[-c]"
(sometimes I add the -c option), this cannot be used without this
patch because gtags-cscope tries to find a binary named "emacsclient
-n[-c]". Please, check the attached patch and let me know if there is
any problem with the implementation.


Attachment: global-options.patch
Description: Text Data

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