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Re: Python 3 and pygments-parser

From: Shigio YAMAGUCHI
Subject: Re: Python 3 and pygments-parser
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 12:03:09 +0900

Hi Marcus,
> I am still talking about the general issue of Python3 compatibility of
> the pygments_parser.py, a broader issue that was exposed by the original
> bug report that started this thread.

I have already fixed that bug, and the fixed version is available in
the repository. I don't think there's any need to fix a program that's
working properly, because rewriting it can lead to new bugs.

However, if you would like to join the project and take care of maintenance
as a committer, I would be happy to entrust you with the job.

Shigio YAMAGUCHI <shigio@gnu.org>
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