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bug#35885: 25.2; Few mistakes in Emacs Manual (+ proposals)

From: Sebastian Urban
Subject: bug#35885: 25.2; Few mistakes in Emacs Manual (+ proposals)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 12:48:50 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.7.0

Thanks for the fixes, but I don't think closing this bug was good
decision.  Even if we leave quotes behind (but we won't, right?),
Unicode code and name pairs bug will still be there.

I believe you saw these in the Emacs 25 manual.

No, my reference is version updated for 26.2, downloaded from official
Emacs website with manuals.  For this e-mail I also looked into HTML

... checkout the current emacs-26 branch...

Well after you said it, I did that - I downloaded basic.texi,
display.texi, search.texi, text.texi from:
and texinfo.tex from:

Unfortunately I didn't make PDF out of them, but I looked into theirs

1.  In PDF 4.1 Inserting Text:
in paragraph starting with "A few common Unicode characters can be
inserted (...)" (near word "respectively"), "left double quotation
mark" (curved) is displayed as "backslash" and "right double quotation
mark" (curved) is displayed as "straight double quotes".  In INFO it
looks ok.

Well for this I have no answer...

# curved quotes @t{’}, @t{“} and @t{”}, respectively.  Also, a working
While @t{...} works for
  single quotes - both curved (#x2018 & #x2019), probably including x2
  grave accent, including x2
  apostrophe, including x2
making all of them curved and in typewriter shape in PDF, it fails to
show LEFT (#x201c) and RIGHT (#x201d) DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK, and
displays instead BACKSLASH and QUOTATION MARK (#x22).  It also works
for QUOTATION MARK - @t{"}.  An ugly way to fix it would be @t{``} and
@t{''}, but I think it's not an option.

BTW This looks good in HTML version.

ALSO (addition)

In point 1 (previous message) in the same paragraph, line below, "(...)
C-x 8 [ and inserts (...)" and curved opening quote follows, which
is good, but it has shape of normal latex text, while it should has
typewriter/verbatim shape (bolder one).

- and inserts `.  To see which characters have @kbd{C-x 8} ...
+ and inserts @t{‘}.  To see which characters have @kbd{C-x 8} ...
Just like in L115.  This bug is present in HTML version as well.

2.  In PDF 4.1 Inserting Text:
in paragraph starting with "In some contexts, if you type a quotation
(...)", display of quotes is messed up, quotes surrounding Nth
occurrence of "like this" should be:
   - 1st - "grave accent" and "apostrophe",
   - 2nd - is ok,
   - 3rd - 2x "grave accent" and 2x "apostrophe",
   - 4th - "left double quotation mark" (curved) and "right double
     quotation mark" (curved)
Or just look into INFO, it's ok there.

As for 1st occurrence in BASIC.TEXI - L149:
# accent and apostrophe @t{`like this'}, it is converted to a form
It could be corrected with @kbd{`}@t{like this}@kbd{'}.  Looks good
in HTML.

As for 2nd - it also looks good in HTML.

As for 3rd occurrence in BASIC.TEXI - L151:
# commands.  Similarly, typing a quotation @t{``like this''} using
As above - @kbd{``}@t{like this}@kbd{''}...  Looks bad in HTML.

As for 4th occurrence, just like in first point - I don't know.
Looks good in HTML.

3.  In PDF 11.19 How Text Is Displayed:
in last paragraph, first line, "left double quotation mark" (curved)
is displayed as "backslash" and "right double quotation mark" (curved)
is displayed as "straight double quotes".  In INFO it looks ok.

#  If the curved quotes @samp{‘}, @samp{’}, @samp{“}, and @samp{”} are
Well here we have @samp{...} instead of @t{...}, which also fails to
show “ and ”, displaying instead \ and " (just like @t{...}).  But
it looks good in HTML.

In PDF 22.5 Quotation Marks:

First little bonus from TEXT.TEXI (L424-425):
"The funny quoting below is to make the printed version look correct.

   In 1st paragraph, 2nd line: 1st "like this" is surrounded with single
curved quotes, while they should be single straight quotes.

In TEXT.TEXI - L427:
# using straight apostrophes @t{'like this'} or double-quotes @t{"like
Similar to above example, @kbd{'}@t{like this}@kbd{'}.  Looks good in

   In 1st paragraph, 3rd&4th line: both "like this" are surrounded with
good quotes, but they have bad shape (normal text), while should be

In TEXT.TEXI - L429:
# left and right single or double quotation marks `@t{like this}' or
Switch to - @t{‘like this’} - with #x2018 & #x2019.

The second "like this" is L/R double quotation marks, so again no answer.

Both look bad in HTML.

   In 2nd paragraph, 2nd line: there should be straight quotes
followed by their curved types, but unfortunately straight quotes are
curved as well.  Also curved have bad shape (normal text), should be

In TEXT.TEXI - L442-443:
- type characters it optionally converts @t{`} to ‘, @t{'} to ',
- @t{``} to ``, and @t{''} to ''.  It's possible to change the
+ type characters it optionally converts @kbd{`} to @t{‘}, @kbd{'} to @t{’},
+ @kbd{``} to ??, and @kbd{''} to ??.  It's possible to change the
Of course I don't know what to put for “ and ”, so I put ?? there.
Also it looks bad in HTML.

   In 2nd paragraph, "value" at the end: curved quotes have bad shape
(normal text), should be typewriter/verbatim.

In TEXT.TEXI - L448:
# default value is @code{'(?@r{`} ?@r{'} ?@r{``} ?@r{''})}.
Perhaps first two could be changed to normal @t{‘} and @t{’}.  Last
two - a mystery.  Also it looks bad in HTML.

   In 4th paragraph, 5th line: curved quotes have bad shape (normal
text), should be typewriter/verbatim.

In TEXT.TEXI - L469:
# @t{’}, @kbd{C-x 8 @{} for ``, and @kbd{C-x 8 @}} for ''.
Again L/R double quotation mark.  Also it looks bad in HTML.


Now about Unicode code & name pairs.

I don't see anything wrong with the current typeface, so I left it

In BASIC.TEXI - L116 we have:
In SEARCH.TEXI - L1313-1314 and L1319-1320 we have:
   @sc{u+249c parenthesized latin small letter a}
   @sc{u+2100 account of}
   @sc{u+fb00 latin small ligature ff}
In TEXT.TEXI - L430 (inside footnote) we have:
   U+2018 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK <--- this has wrong code!
So, 3 different styles.  I think @code{...} around Unicode code and
uppercase "U" is a must.  This is how they are displayed in many other
places.  Style of name - I don't know, I would pick normal uppercase,
because of simplicity, but it's up to you.


6.  In INFO 15.1.1 Basics of Incremental Search:
- ‘<ESC> <ESC> <ESC>’ (‘isearch-cancel’) or ‘C-g C-g’ (‘isearch-abort’).
+ ‘<ESC> <ESC> <ESC>’ (‘isearch-cancel’) or ‘C-g’ (‘isearch-abort’).
Because `view-lossage' and `describe-bindings' and the last paragraph
of 15.1.4 say: `C-g'.

I left this unaltered, because in some cases you do need to type C-g
twice, so doing it twice always is safer.

Well I think the last paragraph of 15.1.4 pointed by me explains this
behaviour.  It exactly says that sometimes C-g needs to be typed twice
to exit search.  That's why I'm sticking to my version, unless you had
other cases in mind.  And "isearch-abort" is literally binded to "C-g"
so it may rise questions.

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