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bug#5428: vc-annotate for Bzr does not show the date

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: bug#5428: vc-annotate for Bzr does not show the date
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 19:36:17 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Glenn Morris <rgm@gnu.org> writes:

>> It looks to me like the vc-annotate output is reasonable now, so I'm
>> closing this bug report.  If it's still an issue, please reopen.
> The actual report was that vc-annotate for bzr does not show the date.
> It still doesn't, so I don't see why you would think this is fixed.
> The meta-issue was that the various backends display different
> annotation information.

Indeed.  The bzr output is really, really terse.

I've reworked Dan's patch to work apply now, and with that I get lines

1   larsi@gnus.org 20190627 | Foo

which seem nice and terse, but informative.  (The current git version,
on the other hand, is way overboard in noise.)

Does anybody still object to this change?  Stefan wanted this to be
customisable, and that would be nice, and should probably apply to all
backends, but it's a somewhat orthogonal issue...

diff --git a/lisp/vc/vc-bzr.el b/lisp/vc/vc-bzr.el
index ee1646cae5..89f1fcce37 100644
--- a/lisp/vc/vc-bzr.el
+++ b/lisp/vc/vc-bzr.el
@@ -869,61 +869,25 @@ vc-bzr-annotate-command
 property containing author and date information."
   (apply #'vc-bzr-command "annotate" buffer 'async file "--long" "--all"
          (append (vc-switches 'bzr 'annotate)
-                (if revision (list "-r" revision))))
-  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-    (set-process-filter
-     (get-buffer-process buffer)
-     (lambda (proc string)
-       (when (process-buffer proc)
-         (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
-           (setq string (concat (process-get proc :vc-left-over) string))
-           ;; Eg: 102020      Gnus developers          20101020 | regexp."
-           ;; As of bzr 2.2.2, no email address in whoami (which can
-           ;; lead to spaces in the author field) is allowed but discouraged.
-           ;; See bug#7792.
-           (while (string-match "^\\( *[0-9.]+ *\\) \\(.+?\\) 
+\\([0-9]\\{8\\}\\)\\( |.*\n\\)" string)
-             (let* ((rev (match-string 1 string))
-                    (author (match-string 2 string))
-                    (date (match-string 3 string))
-                    (key (substring string (match-beginning 0)
-                                    (match-beginning 4)))
-                    (line (match-string 4 string))
-                    (tag (gethash key table))
-                    (inhibit-read-only t))
-               (setq string (substring string (match-end 0)))
-              (unless tag
-                (setq tag
-                      (propertize
-                       (format "%s %-7.7s" rev author)
-                       'help-echo (format "Revision: %d, author: %s, date: %s"
-                                          (string-to-number rev)
-                                          author date)
-                       'mouse-face 'highlight))
-                 (puthash key tag table))
-               (goto-char (process-mark proc))
-               (insert tag line)
-               (move-marker (process-mark proc) (point))))
-           (process-put proc :vc-left-over string)))))))
+                (if revision (list "-r" revision)))))
 (declare-function vc-annotate-convert-time "vc-annotate" (&optional time))
 (defun vc-bzr-annotate-time ()
-  (when (re-search-forward "^ *[0-9.]+ +.+? +|" nil t)
-    (let ((prop (get-text-property (line-beginning-position) 'help-echo)))
-      (string-match "[0-9]+\\'" prop)
-      (let ((str (match-string-no-properties 0 prop)))
+  (when (re-search-forward "^[0-9.]+ +[^\n ]* +\\([0-9]\\{8\\}\\) |" nil t)
+    (let ((str (match-string-no-properties 1)))
        (encode-time 0 0 0
-                      (string-to-number (substring str 6 8))
-                      (string-to-number (substring str 4 6))
-                      (string-to-number (substring str 0 4))))))))
+                    (string-to-number (substring str 6 8))
+                    (string-to-number (substring str 4 6))
+                    (string-to-number (substring str 0 4)))))))
 (defun vc-bzr-annotate-extract-revision-at-line ()
   "Return revision for current line of annotation buffer, or nil.
 Return nil if current line isn't annotated."
-    (if (looking-at "^ *\\([0-9.]+\\) +.* +|")
+    (if (looking-at "^\\([0-9.]+\\) +[^\n ]* +\\([0-9]\\{8\\}\\) |")
         (match-string-no-properties 1))))
 (defun vc-bzr-command-discarding-stderr (command &rest args)

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

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