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bug#73544: smerge key bindings awkward

From: Daniel Colascione
Subject: bug#73544: smerge key bindings awkward
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2024 21:41:56 -0700
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

On September 29, 2024 5:33:02 PM PDT, Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev> wrote:
>On 29/09/2024 06:30, Daniel Colascione wrote:
>> In smerge mode, C-c ^ n goes to the next merge conflict. Having resolved all 
>> merge conflicts, smerge turns itself off. Typing C-c ^ n again now puts a 
>> stray "n" into the buffer. Is there some tweak we can make to avoid this 
>> situation? Change the default of smerge-auto-leave?
>Would it be better if 'C-c ^ n' jumped across files?
>I.e. effectively called smerge-vc-next-conflict.
>Not sure if it would always jump to the next file when reaching the end of the 
>current one, or only when all hunks are resolved.
>Anyway, that approach would require making the bindings global, I think. The 
>prev/next ones, at least.

Sure. If I had my druthers, we'd just enable the C-c ^ keymap globally 
everywhere all the time and be done with it. That would work whether or not we 
bound C-c ^ n to smerge-vc-next-conflict or left it as is. The way it is now, 
we optimize for a false economy of keymap minimalism (putting the smerge 
keymaps on a minor mode) and minor mode minimalism (disabling smerge mode ASAP 
gaining essentially nothing and in this vacuous exchange getting the problem I 
highlighted in the bug report and others.

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