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bug#74803: 31.0.50; [PATCH] Fix bug that semantic did not restore imenu-

From: Lin Sun
Subject: bug#74803: 31.0.50; [PATCH] Fix bug that semantic did not restore imenu-create-index-function on exiting
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 22:30:02 +0000

The semantic minor mode changed the value of imenu-create-index-function on its 
startup, but does not restore the original value on its exiting. 

Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Start the emacs and open a python script, now the 
imenu-create-index-function will be the `python-imenu-create-index'

 $ emacs -nw -q ~/a.py   

2. Turn-on the semantic by "M-x semantic-mode", then the  
imenu-create-index-function will be the `semantic-create-imenu-index'

3. Turn-off the semantic by "M-x semantic-mode",  imenu-create-index-function 
is still the semantic one.

This patch will store the original imenu-create-index-function before changing 
it, and restore the original value when turn-off the semantic-mode. 

Attachment: 0001-Fix-bug-that-semantic-did-not-restore-imenu-create-i.patch
Description: 0001-Fix-bug-that-semantic-did-not-restore-imenu-create-i.patch

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