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bug#74663: Emacs crashes with Segfault while doing basic code editing

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#74663: Emacs crashes with Segfault while doing basic code editing
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:49:42 +0200

> Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 09:04:01 -0700
> Cc: 74663@debbugs.gnu.org
> From: Zan Owsley <zanowsley@gmail.com>
> Yes I did! It was the first time I built Emacs instead of using a 
> package manager. I have tried 27, 28, and 29 before, but this version 
> really blew me away. I couldn't believe the performance improvement I 
> saw right away, and that's before I rebuilt it with native compilation. 
> I have no idea how you sped it up like that, but it really feels nice. 
> I've been enjoying 30 so much that it sparked another deep dive into my 
> config and writing elisp for my own features this past week. So that's 
> been fun.

OK, that's good news.  I guess the bug can be closed now?

Regarding the speed-up you see: Emacs 30 is indeed somewhat faster,
but I doubt that it is revolutionary faster.  I'm guessing that the
improvements you see are at least in part due to the different
configuration and build details.

> I looked you up after receiving this email as I was wondering who would 
> care to follow up with me. Saw that you're the co-maintainer and won the 
> 2023 FSF award (a belated congrats!) and figured you're just that kind 
> of guy who wants to help. Thanks for all your work - it's clear, even to 
> me, that Emacs 30 is a special release. Thanks for getting me to try it 
> and good luck with the continuing work.

Thanks, but I'm not the only one to take the credit.  This is a team
work, and we have a great team.

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