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bug#74936: 30.0.91; special-event-map does not respect t

From: Psionic K
Subject: bug#74936: 30.0.91; special-event-map does not respect t
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 20:54:56 +0900

I'll try the patch tomorrow.

> could be satisfied in many other ways

Since I have code that will need to work on Emacs 30-ish, I have to
ask if any of the other ways are good ways?

In the meantime I've thought of using `overriding-terminal-local-map'
with a keyhole nil binding for only my expected input in between
idling.  A "keyhole" map that allows 'e' through.

    (let ((km (list 'keymap (cons t #'pmx--haha))))
      (keymap-set km "M-x" #'counsel-M-x)
      (keymap-set km "e" nil)
      (use-local-map km))


To completely prevent fat-fingers, I then need to close the keyhole
after each first pass.  Then there's the problem of input calling
commands that clobber `overriding-terminal-local-map'.

In conclusion, the special map feels like the only correct one to
express the idea.

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