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bug#75052: 31; browse-url-transform-alist is not used by secondary brows

From: Daniel Mendler
Subject: bug#75052: 31; browse-url-transform-alist is not used by secondary browser
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:41:30 +0100

Hello Stefan,

you recently added `browse-url-transform-alist' to `browse-url'.  At a
few places in Emacs browser functions are called directly. For direct
browser function calls the transformation alist is not applied.


- `browse-url-secondary-browser-function' is called by
  `browse-url-button-open' or by `package-browse-url' and others.
- `browse-url-with-browser-kind' calls browser functions directly.

A possible solution could be to add a function
`browse-url-with-function' which takes a function argument:

(defun browse-url-with-function (func url &rest args)
  "Open URL with browser FUNC.
If FUNC is a function use this function.
If FUNC is nil use the default `browse-url'.
For other non-nil values use `browse-url-secondary-browser-function'."
  (if (not func)
      (apply #'browse-url url args)
     (if (functionp func) func browse-url-secondary-browser-function)
     (browse-url--transform url) args)))

All call sites which call a browse function directly could use
`browse-url-with-function' instead. Calling browser functions directly
should be discouraged. For example `package-browse-url' would simplify
to this:

(defun package-browse-url (desc &optional secondary)
  (interactive (list (package--query-desc)
  (unless desc
    (user-error "No package here"))
  (let ((url (cdr (assoc :url (package-desc-extras desc)))))
    (unless url
      (user-error "No website for %s" (package-desc-name desc)))
    (browse-url-with-function secondary url)))

Similarly `browse-url-with-browser-kind':

(defun browse-url-with-browser-kind (kind url &optional arg)
  (interactive ...)
  (let ((function (browse-url-select-handler url kind)))
    (unless function
      (setq function
             (lambda (fun)
               (eq kind (browse-url--browser-kind fun url)))
             (list browse-url-browser-function
    (browse-url-with-function function url arg)))

Does this sound like an acceptable plan? Thank you.


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