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bug#73404: 30.0.50; [forward/kill/etc]-sexp commands do not behave as ex

From: Yuan Fu
Subject: bug#73404: 30.0.50; [forward/kill/etc]-sexp commands do not behave as expected in tree-sitter modes
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:34:45 -0800

> On Dec 24, 2024, at 11:44 PM, Juri Linkov <juri@linkov.net> wrote:
>>> For html-ts-mode a list node is "element", and the node to skip
>>> is "tag".  So for example:
>>> -!-text <html></html>
>>> 'C-M-f' will use node "element" to move to the beginning of "element":
>>> text -!-<html></html>
>>> then to get inside also need to skip the <html> tag:
>>> text <html>-!-</html>
>> Right, the thing navigation only supports going up/outside, but not going
>> down/inside. We can add a new thing for beginning and end of balanced
>> pairs. Then down-list will be going from the start of a balanced-pair-open
>> to the end of it. Up-list will be going from the start of
>> a balanced-pair-close to the end of it.
> Probably we could use just such heuristics that 'down-list' should skip
> the first node of the balanced pair.  This should work for most ts-modes.
> For example, for 'jsx_element' the first child to skip is 
> 'jsx_opening_element'.
> For 'argument_list' the first child to skip is an anonymous node "(".
> For 'statement_block' the first child to skip is an anonymous node "{“.

Yes, that should work for the vast majority of grammars. I can’t think of an 
counter example other than for_statment in tree-sitter-c.


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