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bug#74430: 30.0.92; pixel-scroll-precision-mode hiding Eshell prompt aft

From: Ashton Wiersdorf
Subject: bug#74430: 30.0.92; pixel-scroll-precision-mode hiding Eshell prompt after some commands
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 13:09:00 -0700
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.8; emacs 30.0.93

If you can't find a minimal example, a screenshot could also help, so
long as you wouldn't be leaking any private information.

Here's a screenshot of the bug in action:

PNG image

Also, are there any "unique" properties of the output that causes this bug? For example, does it use "\r" carriage returns to overwrite the last line, or does it use emojis, or anything like that? If there's something different from the norm, that could help narrow things down.

I've seen this most often after running Elixir scripts—that might just be availability bias because that's what I'm doing for work right now! There *is* some colored text in the output. AFAIK Elixir doesn't send "\r" to do anything tricky with the last line. I think I've seen this happen with other commands.

I've noticed that the easiest way to rid myself of this behavior is to just it Ctrl-l when it arises. That resets something and it will work again for a while.

Note: I just upgraded to 30.0.93, and I'll keep my eyes peeled to see if it resurfaces.

Thanks for your help, attention, and patience. Happy holidays!

Ashton Wiersdorf

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