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[bug-gnu-libiconv] Solaris libiconv vs. GNU libiconv in terms of 646

From: Dagobert Michelsen
Subject: [bug-gnu-libiconv] Solaris libiconv vs. GNU libiconv in terms of 646
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 21:19:58 +0100


I am currently packaging zsh for Solaris when I noticed
some failing tests due to problems with libiconv.
It looks like Solaris uses 646 as standard which is
known to Solaris libiconv but not GNU libiconv.
I already found this in the notes:

  Q: Support encodings mentioned in RFC 1345 ?
A: No, they are not in use any more. Supporting ISO-646 variants is pointless
     since ISO-8859-* have been adopted.

The troubles from the zsh-people is best described at
The ZSH-people are currently building a workaround, but
this whole situation should be better addresses in libiconv.

Additionally, the "646-problem" on Solaris with libiconv
seems to be widely seen, e. g. here:
<http://www.blastwave.org/mantis/view_bug_advanced_page.php? f_id=0001849>

Best regards

  -- Dagobert Michelsen

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