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pascal barbedor <address@hidden>Date: 2009/5/11
Subject: fields not read as expected in data list free
here is a minimal program that does not read fields as expected (0.6.1 and 0.7.2):
DATA LIST FREE TABLE / rubrique (A18) value (A32).
BEGIN DATA.S20.G01.00.017.002,'31'
S30.G01.00.001 ,'xxx'S30.G01.00.002 ,'xxx'
S30.G01.00.003 ,'xxx'END DATA.
LIST.there don't seem to be any mismatch of quotes and here is the output :
1.1 DATA LIST. Reading free-form data from INLINE.+--------+------+
|rubrique|A18 ||value |A32 |
+--------+------+testdeca.sps:13: warning: BEGIN DATA: Partial case discarded. The first variable missing was value.
rubrique value------------------ --------------------------------
S20.G01.00.017.002 31 S20.G01.00.017.003 32
S20.G01.00.018 A00 S30.G01.00.001
xxx S30.G01.00.002 xxx
S30.G01.00.003 I attached the original data file in case it would contain any special chars.