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Re: PSPP-BUG: PSPP Version 079 - SPS with German Characters - Possible B

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: PSPP-BUG: PSPP Version 079 - SPS with German Characters - Possible Bug
Date: Sat, 5 May 2012 17:14:35 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

Thanks for sending these files, and thanks for the bug report.

I'm not seeing the problems that you are seeing, although not
everything is quite right.

There is a small problem with your syntax:  You have the VARIABLE LABELS, 
MISSING VALUES and VALUE LABELS commands situated between the DATA LIST and 
BEGIN DATA commands.  I don't think this is allowed in PSPP (does SPSS allow 
that?).  I had to move the lines BEGIN DATA and all following directly after
DATA LIST.  However this shouldn't have caused problems reading the file, and 
certainly shouldn't cause a crash.

When I make this change, everything works fine using the terminal, although 
there is a problem with the GUI.

Anyway I suggest you make this correction and see how you go.


On Sat, May 05, 2012 at 05:43:29PM +0200, ajk-eis wrote:
     Hello John, thanks for the quick reply and moving this to bugs.
     Attached are 4 files.
     1 - umfrage-7-Errors.sps - This file is UTF-8 encoded and contains German 
national characters (if this e-mail text is Unicode - ??, ??, ??). 
     (U+00E4, U+00F6, U+00FC, U+00DF)
     These are not all the possibilities but are enough to test with. This file 
will not run here and produces consistent import errors. Not contained but very 
popular in Europe is also the Euro Sign (??? - U+20AC) which will also create 
the errors.
     2 - PSPPIRE Output Viewer_7_Errors.pdf - This is the output of PSPP with 
the file above (with national characters) which is not imported.
     3 - umfrage-7a-OK.sps - This file is exactly the same generated file but 
we have replaced the occurrences of the 4 characters above with the "denglish" 
equivalents (i.e. ae, oe, ue, ss). IOW there are only ASCII characters 
contained. This file will run without errors.
     4 - PSPPIRE Output Viewer_7a_OK.pdf - This is the output of PSPP with the 
file in 3 above, without errors and successfully imported.
     I hope that you can reproduce the problem there with file 1.
     > -----Urspr??ngliche Nachricht-----
     > Von: John Darrington [mailto:address@hidden
     > Gesendet: Samstag, 5. Mai 2012 14:58
     > An: ajk-eis
     > Cc: address@hidden; 'jeff'
     > Betreff: Re: PSPP Version 079 - SPS with German Characters - Possible Bug
     > [Moving the thread to address@hidden
     > I wasn't aware of this.
     > Please do send examples.
     > J'
     > On Sat, May 05, 2012 at 12:51:11PM +0200, ajk-eis wrote:
     >      Installation - PSPP build pspp-079-20120315-32bits
     >      OS - Win 7 Pro (up to date) and UBUNTU
     >      I assume you already know this but in case you don't we are not able
     > to import / load any sps file that contains any special German characters
     > in the values. The output is "bad character U+FFFD". The same occurs with
     > the Euro Symbol ("???"). This occurs on a Windows 7 installation and a
     > LINUX installation. These are valid UTF8 files.  This would appear to be 
     > regression since the import of the same files works with 0.7.8.xxx.
     >      We have tried creating the sps file with all imaginable encodings
     > (i.e. UTF 8, UTF 16, CP 1252 (which is standard for local installation),
     > etc.) with no resolution of the problem. At the moment we must use ASCII
     > encoding which has no national characters or replace all special German
     > characters prior to the import.
     >      The RC 2012-03-20 and 2012-04-11, installed on Windows 7, crash when
     > the import file is run.
     >      In the PSPP Version pspp-master-20111111 (0.7.8.xxx) the import 
     > without problems but this version is not stable on a (German) Windows 7
     > installation.
     >      I can supply example files if desired.
     >      Cheers
     >      Alle
     >      _______________________________________________
     >      Pspp-users mailing list
     >      address@hidden
     >      https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/pspp-users
     > --
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     Bug-gnu-pspp mailing list

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