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Re: PSPP-BUG: A little exception for you

From: Nicky Cox
Subject: Re: PSPP-BUG: A little exception for you
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 01:12:02 +0000

Hi People, Isle of Wight UK calling here at 1 in the early morning,

Downloaded PSPP as an alternative to SPSS onto Win7.  Successfully installed and run several analysis statistics against very basic data, however application continually freezes after several runs.  This computer and software very stable development environment.  Naturally the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate debugger comes to the rescue (as always!) and relays the following:

  • Unhandled exception at 0x04c69222 in psppire.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x098d2440.

  • Call stack location 04c69222()

Not sure if this is really any help as I didn't download the source code to check the exception location or code statements.  Possibly the access rights or storage location of the above is protected but this machine has absolute administration control even at the software and database levels.

However for general statistics I will keep going with it for a while.  Good job though.  The one thing I am really missing is the math of the calculations say in a right-side panel or separate dialogue pane.  Just me, I like to see the full calculations as things are being analysed.  Allows me to check the steps taken and the data manipulation and how the final result was achieved.

Anyway I'm going back to my crashed program.  Version is psppire.exe 0.7.9-g428ee3

Cheers guys,

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