Dear Respondent,
I encountered the following crash:
(/home/ilmari/src)pspp crash.pspp
You have discovered a bug in PSPP. Please report this
message, *plus* several lines of output just above it.
For the best chance at having the bug fixed, also
include the syntax file that triggered it and a sample
of any data file used for input.
proximate cause: Segmentation Violation
version: GNU pspp 0.7.9 (Mon Feb 4 23:28:29 UTC 2013).
host_system: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
build_system: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
locale_dir: /usr/share/locale
compiler version: 4.7.2
Memory fault
(/home/ilmari/src)pspp -v
pspp: invalid option -- 'v'
(/home/ilmari/src)pspp --version
pspp (GNU PSPP) 0.7.9
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Ben Pfaff, John Darrington, and Jason Stover.
The syntax file is:
(/home/ilmari/src)cat crash.pspp
/VARIABLES=conm A40.
In fact, the file phase1.csv did not exist on my disk so the code would not work. But it should give an error message instead of crashing.
Best Regards,
Elia Liitiäinen