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Re: Problems with auto-roll and auto-play functions

From: MK
Subject: Re: Problems with auto-roll and auto-play functions
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:19:58 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 1/18/2024 2:22 PM, MK wrote:

On 1/18/2024 6:31 AM, Ian Shaw wrote:

You can’t make the gnubg engine only be itself
for some moves, and ask you to make the choices
for other moves.

There is no reason for this arbitrary, unnecessary
limitation. Bot can wait to roll and/or move until
it's told to do so (i.e. "play" command). If the
user wants it to play automatically, he can just
select the auto-roll and auto-play setting. Simple
logic and clean implementation...

After looking at things some more, I realized that
I had a misunderstanding how much can be done with
a script. I thought you could intercept bot's play
and inject a different play through the script. I
see what you mean now that even though checker and
cube settings are separate for players, you can't
mix and match to have a half human half bot player.

So, the script has to parse the best checker hint
and make the move also as you suggested. I guess
we can continue to work towards a script with that
in mind...?


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