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Re: [Bug-gnulib] 03-getndelim2-c89.diff

From: Derek Robert Price
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnulib] 03-getndelim2-c89.diff
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 09:54:56 -0400
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Paul Eggert wrote:

Derek Robert Price <address@hidden> writes:
Here's a quick patch to remove the K&R support from getndelim2 since
GNULIB standardized on C89.
That patch assumes <stdlib.h>, but gnulib currently assumes only the
minimal headers supplied by C89 freestanding compilers; it doesn't
assume the extra headers supplied by C89 hosted compilers.

Our current suggestion for older hosts is "install an old version of
GCC first; then use that".  But on native K&R hosts, GCC is merely a
freestanding compiler; it's not a hosted compiler, because it doesn't
guarantee C89 conformance for headers other than the headers that GCC
supplies itself, namely <float.h>, <limits.h>, <stdarg.h>, and
Ah.  Thanks, Paul.  I'd misunderstood or missed some of the thread.



Email: address@hidden

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