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[bug-gnulib] Re: gettext module for packages with gettext included

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: [bug-gnulib] Re: gettext module for packages with gettext included
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 15:12:41 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Stepan Kasal <address@hidden> writes:

> Hello Bruno and gnulib experts,
>   I'd like to use the gnulib gettext module (and many modules which
> depend on it, like regex).
> But I need to have gettext included with the package, not
>       AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external])
> as the gettext module specifies.
> How can I accomplish this?  Can I use gnulib-tool --import?

Yes.  --import will put:

  dnl you must add AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) or similar to configure.ac.

in gnulib.m4.  It won't call gettext directly.  That is arguable a
bug, but fixing this properly (so it doesn't cause problems in your
situation) will require some work.

> Note that I want to use parts of the gnulib module, eg. gettext.h
> which provides stubs if the package is configures with --disable-nls.

Perhaps gettext.h could be separated from the other gettext macros, if
this would be useful for you.  I'm not sure I understand exactly what
you want to achieve, though.

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