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Re: source(builtin) and read(2)

From: Matthew Woehlke
Subject: Re: source(builtin) and read(2)
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:33:15 -0500
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Geoff Clare wrote:
Ironically, it is the wording for SSIZE_MAX that is closest to
being right and the others that all need to change, as the wording
in the C Standard is "maximum value for an object of type xxxx".

I still think that's the *worst* wording. "Maximum value of type <foo>" is to me unambiguous. If you want to be /really/ unambiguous I would even add the word "representable" to clearly indicate that you are talking about architecture-mandated limits, not arbitrary OS limits.

Vs lbh pna ernq guvf jvgubhg fbsgjner, lbh ner n FREVBHF areq! -- Nqncgrq sebz Znggurj Jva (ivz-qri znvyvat yvfg)

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