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Re: autobuild.m4

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Re: autobuild.m4
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:35:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.95 (gnu/linux)

Bruno Haible <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi Simon,
>> Any objections to this patch?
> Only minor ones:
> - About the naming of the naming of the module. It's confusing to see
>   indications that "autobuild" is
>     - A package downloadable from your site that makes it easy to collect
>       the results of automatic builds,
>     - A web site (autobuild.josefsson.org) that presents the results of
>       automatic builds,
>     - A gnulib module that provides identification for a particular build,
>     - A shell script generated by gnulib that prepares some build logs
>       from automatic builds. [This one is from me. My bad.]
>   A piece of documentation in doc/ could improve the understanding, but
>   more importantly, I think the names of these 4 things should be succint
>   and expressive. There is nothing more confusing than 1 term designating
>   two or more different but related concept.
>   Can you come up with 4 different names for these?

Yes, I agree.

How about this:

* 'autobuild-parse' for the parser.
* 'autobuild.josefsson.org' is already qualified under 'josefsson.org',
  so I think it is simplest to keep it as is.
* Rename autobuild.m4 to autobuild-help.m4.  (Ideas for a better name
  would be appreciated.)
* Rename the autobuild module to autobuild-help.
* The script 'autobuild' has already been renamed to 'do-autobuild'.

> - Indenting by a tab and then by 3 spaces is unusual.

Fixed in CVS, thanks.

> - The double-quotes here surprise me:
>       if test "$?" != 0
>   I thought $? always expands to a non-empty sequence of digits. Are
>   you expecting a negative integer as value of "$?" ?

No, this was probably just my habit of always adding quotes around
$foo expressions when using 'test'.  What would you recommend instead?


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