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Re: [libvirt] [PATCH] autogen: added glibtool and pkg-config checks

From: Justin Clift
Subject: Re: [libvirt] [PATCH] autogen: added glibtool and pkg-config checks
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 10:24:18 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100907 Fedora/3.1.3-1.fc13 Thunderbird/3.1.3

On 09/16/2010 03:02 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
[adding bug-gnulib]

On 09/15/2010 06:36 AM, Justin Clift wrote:
OSX MacPorts has libtool named as glibtool, with libtoolize
named as glibtoolize. This patch adds support for this, and also
adds a check for pkg-config, to warn when it is missing.
So, NACK to this version of the libvirt patch, and instead let me do
some gnulib work... Not to mention that Gary is working on some upstream
patches to improve bootstrap modularity, and there is also a request to
add 'bootstrap --skip-git' that I need to respond to...

Hi guys,

Any word on how this is going?

Just wanting to get an idea when we can drop the simple override patch
for Mac OS X? :)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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