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Re: [PATCH] gettext: update macros to version 0.19

From: Philipp Thomas
Subject: Re: [PATCH] gettext: update macros to version 0.19
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:40:58 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

* Daiki Ueno (address@hidden) [20140711 15:13]:

> Could you provide an example of the build failures with 0.19.1?  Yes,
> 0.19 had such problems[1], but with 0.19.1 we haven't received any single
> bug report that affects building other packages, except this:

I'll send you examples as soon as I get them. With factory now being rolling
all packages will first be put in a staging project and then moved to factory
if no problems arise. So if my request of doing the update will be rejected
for the same reason I will have enough examples.

> and this could be worked around somehow, though I'm planning at
> some point soon.  If there is any critical problem, please let us know.

I will.


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