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Re: We can not run gnulib-tool in the MinGW.

From: Paul Eggert
Subject: Re: We can not run gnulib-tool in the MinGW.
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 13:38:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 7/4/24 09:17, Collin Funk wrote:
As long as a
Python version ≥ 3.7 is installed everything should be fine on that

Yes, though sometimes Python is misinstalled.

When I run "sh -x ./gnulib-tool --list", the last thing it does is:

exec /home/eggert/src/gnu/gnulib/./gnulib-tool.py --list

and when I run "sh -x /home/eggert/src/gnu/gnulib/./gnulib-tool.py --list", the last thing it does is:

exec python3 /home/eggert/src/gnu/gnulib-savannah/./.gnulib-tool.py --list

so there should be not much going on other than running Python. Perhaps the bug reporter could try running these "sh -x" commands and letting is know what happens.

PS. There's a lot of machinery in those shell scripts for the minor benefit of letting gnulib-tool be a symlink in your $PATH to the real gnulib-tool. How about if we drop support for this? That'd simplify startup quite a bit (if we're lucky it'll even fix the reporter's bug or at least make it easier to diagnose), and there is a better way to get the benefits of that minor feature that doesn't involve so much problematic shell rigamarole.

Something like the attached patch, perhaps? I haven't installed it.

PPS. Why do we have both gnulib-tool.py and .gnulib-tool.py? Is this commented in the source code?

Attachment: 0001-gnulib-tool-simplify-startup.patch
Description: Text Data

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