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how about this...

From: Sonia Polk
Subject: how about this...
Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2005 10:04:51 +0000

want something that works? try c1al-is s0ft-tabs - works in under 10 minutes!


Lasts an ama-zing 35 ho-urs! take once and p-op any time you want!
NO side effe-cts like the oth-ers, you can even mix alco-hol...
no dizz-y sensat-ions so you can even d-rive a c-ar!

Ki-cks in fas-ter then v-i-a-gra or lev-it-ra!

with wor-ldwide sh-ipp-ing and over 1 mi-ll-ion sa-tisf-ied cus-tomers, wha-t 
are you wai-ting for?


rmv: http://medz4you.net/r.php

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