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[bug #64624] [pic] doesn't restore fill color after writing output

From: Dave
Subject: [bug #64624] [pic] doesn't restore fill color after writing output
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 06:49:13 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #19, bug #64624 (project groff):

[comment #16 comment #16:]
> Looks like I should have set this ticket to "Need Info" status,

You did.  I set it back when I supplied the requested info (pending clearer
instructions in response to the "semi-off topic" aside in bug #63332).

[comment #18 comment #18:]
> I've gotten really used to loggy/trackery stuff using a 24-hour clock.

Yeah, savannah lets you [https://savannah.gnu.org/my/admin/ configure your
time zone] but not the display format of the timestamp.  But that can at least
get your display off UTC (unless you're in England) so you're less likely to
be misled.


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