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Re: [Bug-gsl] bugs when using gsl_sf_hyperg_U

From: Patrick Alken
Subject: Re: [Bug-gsl] bugs when using gsl_sf_hyperg_U
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:23:29 -0600
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Just wanted to forward this to the list so it is archived

On 03/11/2014 03:42 PM, Feng Gao wrote:
Hi Ray and Patrick,

Thanks for your help so much thus far. I have included a simple cpp file which demonstrates several cases that will invoke bugs. I put the gsl folder in the same current folder and used

g++ -Wall -o gsl_sf_hyperg_U_bug_report gsl_sf_hyperg_U_bug_report.cpp -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm

to compile.

Thanks again!

Best Regards,


2014-03-11 15:13 GMT-04:00 Raymond Rogers <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>:

    Hi Feng,

        Take the writing below as coming from somebody who had just a
    brush with the subject matter; numerical approximatioin of special
    function.s.  I think that somebody on the GSL mailing list is an
    expert and could actually help.  I didn't have much luck but that
    was years ago.  I do suggest giving actual c (or some such) code
    you  are trying to run.  A simple program.
    Let me know I if I can help further.
        No joy in my searh but I did look at the DLMF.  In particular
    To change  -b to +b  (and +a)
    for Asymptotic expansions.
    Unfortunately I didn't find your case where the a,b go to
    infinity; but I did find an earlier paper:
    Which directly that covers b-> -inf   equation 3. Unfortunately it
    solves the problem in terms of Bessel functions :)  So some work
    has to be done.

    When I worked with large negative a I used a recursive form to
    walk a up to positive.  One of the relations on
    In particular 13.3.8   walks b and leaves a, z  fixed.
    I did it in a matrix form because I am simpleminded but a straight
    recursion would work.
    Be aware that there are two ways to work recursions one explodes
    errors (the dominant recursion) and the other smooths them out
    (the minimall one).
    If you have access to a library or have "Numerical Methods for
    Special Functions" Gil,Segura, Temme chapter 4 covers recurrence
    theory.  It's really not very hard.  If needed I could copy that
    chapter and email it or you might get a preview on Google books

    I did email Pr Temme  (who is a scholar on numerical
    approximations and Special functions) at:
    http://homepages.cwi.nl/~nicot/ <http://homepages.cwi.nl/%7Enicot/>
    He was very helpful and came back in 1 day with an answer to my
    question about large negative a;  a simple formula that worked
    with a<-1000 to astounding accuracy.  I imagine asking him for a
    pointer instead of just asking for the formula would be more
    diplomatic.  I did go out and buy one of his books after he
    answered  and read some parts.


    On 03/11/2014 12:15 PM, Feng Gao wrote:
    Hi Ray,

    Thanks very much for your effort!

    Best Regards,


    2014-03-11 11:56 GMT-04:00 Raymond Rogers
    <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>:

        Okay, let me look around on my computer.  I have to find it;
        the original email I had got extinguished by difficult
        manuever.  It's hard but you _can_ erase all of your old
        emails onn gmail if you really try (or are really dumb!).
        Anyhow.... I will check now.

        On 03/11/2014 11:01 AM, Feng Gao wrote:
        Hi Ray,

        Thanks for your response! These would be helpful indeed.
        Please notice that all the problems I had were for negative
        b. Actually in my case the value of a is fixed at 1 (so I
        don't need to worry about large negative a); the value of b
        is (-inf, 2) and the value of x is > 0. If you have anything
        that works for this scenario, that will be extremely helpful.

        Best Regards,


        2014-03-11 9:03 GMT-04:00 Raymond Rogers

                I had a similar problem with negative a (Lamm's
equation) and developed some programs that worked. That was about three years ago and I would have to find
            it.  In addition the program blows up for large negative
            a; but I got in touch with a professional in these
            things and he gave me a asymptotic formula.  I also have
            his book that explains a lot about doing these calculations.
                Let me know if I can help along this line.  I
            probably have a bunch of links for asymptotic analysis.


            On 03/10/2014 10:38 PM, Feng Gao wrote:


                Sorry for so many emails... I also tried the GSL
                SHELL software and it
                seemse that sf.hypergU(1, -500, 0.1) can be
                calculated correctly. However,
                I found that any negative non-integers of b for U(a,
                b, x) cannot be
                calculated. These negative non-integers should be
                suitable arguments and
                the manual states that b is of type double.

                Thanks very much for your attention and I will be
                very grateful if you can
                resolve these problems.

                Best Regards,


                2014-03-10 21:01 GMT-04:00 Feng Gao
                <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>:

                    Sorry for the typo but for example 1) listed in
                    the previous email:

                    gsl_sf_hyperg_U(1, -500, 0.1) gives the correct
                    value: ~1.99e-3.

                    The problem happens when calculating
                    gsl_sf_hyperg_U(1, -500, 40): gsl:
                    gsl: hyperg.c:165: ERROR: overflow. The value
                    should be ~0.00184 so I
                    suppose this is a bug.

                    Again, thanks very much if you can help me solve
                    this problem since I very
                    much need it in my research.

                    Best Regards,


                    2014-03-10 19:53 GMT-04:00 Feng Gao


                        I have been using the gsl_sf_hyperg_U
                        function for a while and I found
                        several bugs when calculating normal values.
                        For example,

                        1) gsl_sf_hyperg_U(1, -500, 0.1) gives
                        incorrect value: 9.3246e+03, which
                        actually should be around 0.19.

                        2) Many domain error bugs. For example,
                        gsl_sf_hyperg_U(1, -6.67, 1)
                        should have value ~0.128 but will invoke
                        domain error for gsl.

                        Hope that you can further investigate this
                        and come up with solutions.

                        Best Regards,


-- Act IV, Sc. IV
            What is a man,
            If his chief good and profit of his time
            Be to sleep and feed.  Be a beast, no more

-- Act IV, Sc. IV
        What is a man,
        If his chief good and profit of his time
        Be to sleep and feed.  Be a beast, no more

-- Act IV, Sc. IV
    What is a man,
    If his chief good and profit of his time
    Be to sleep and feed.  Be a beast, no more

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