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bug#33848: Store references in SBCL-compiled code are "invisible"

From: Pierre Neidhardt
Subject: bug#33848: Store references in SBCL-compiled code are "invisible"
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2018 23:01:01 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 26.1

> I don’t think we’ve encountered the problem before.

Actually it does ring a bell for me.  Didn't we have a similar issue with Fish,
or some dependency?

> For now I lean towards looking for a way to address the issue
> specifically for SBCL.

Don't forget that we currently have 5 Lisp compilers.
Besides, it's not clear that this can be fixed on the compiler's side, it could
very well be that patches will be required  on a per-project basis.

Pierre Neidhardt

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