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From: Rosa Corbett
Subject: Re: CHANGE
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2006 18:00:42 -0400

Afte.r the age of twen.ty-one, yo.ur bod`y slow'ly s,tops r,eleåsing an 
ìmþortan't h'ôrmone kn'owñ as HGH (Human Gr`owth Hó'rmone).

The re`duction of HGH, wh'ich regul.ates l.evels of ot.heër hor,monés in the 
boo,dy (including téstos`terone, estr'ogen, pr'ogésteroone, and m,elatôninñ) is 
dire.ctIy ress,ponsiblè for m,any of the mo`st çomm,ºn sig'ns of gr,owing old, 
suc`h as wri'nkles, grá.y håai.r, dècre,ased en`ergy, and dimïnii'shéd ss,exüal 


Hu,man G,rowth Hórmon`e wii,ll norm.ally yi`êld the föll'öwing re'sults:
 - Bo.ost ÿou,r immun,ee sys'tem
 - Re'juvenatè yyoou`r b`odý and m.ind
 - Fe'el & loo'k yo,unger
 - Re'duce wrinkle,ss, l.ose weigh't, de,crease celluli`te
 - Restor'e ÿou'r sex d'rive and vigo,r
 - Revitali'zee you.r h,eart, l`ìver, k'idneys & lun,gs
 - Mái.ntain muss.clee mas.s
 - Refres`h me.moryy, m,oodd and meeñta'I energ,ý
 - S,léep s'oundly and aw'ake res.ted
 - H'elp eliminat`e st,ress, f'atigue and deepressii,on


Rita Mcginnis

"Christ, so late, so late, he thought. He could write the account Charlie 
wanted, but to do so would be tantamount to admitting to himself that he would 
never write another novel. 
Cut to his shoulder, hitting the door.

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