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From: Matilda Goldstein
Subject: equivalent
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 23:38:09 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

This impression swiftly vanished as Lois snatched the paper from his hands impatiently.
I knew you could see reason. How many good friends do you have?
Pour it down the garborator with really hot water running.
I wanted to talk to you a minute. If she must sacrifice her love for him in the name of duty and honor, memories would have to sustain them both.
Since the incident this spring, Lex had been erratic, unfocused.
What is your middle name spelled backwards?
Probably not the best plan. Everyone here in the Kent house was well and contented. I am only one of many. If he held any responsibility it was in opening her up to such an attack by thinking that he might still be able to become such a person. Lionel had hoped that in enticing Lana Lang to stay in her relationship with Lex, some root could be found for the increasing darkness within his son.
He was not the only one avoiding the future, and she knew it.
Oliver Queen was not a small man, and by no means one to be taken lightly. She seemed to be measuring him.
I threatened you, beat the crap out you. And they are on their way back. But last time Adrian convinced me we should keep a grease can, it went rancid and I almost threw up when I stumbled across it one day.
I do want to stay here with you, forever.
He was facing west, his eyes fixed on the setting sun and his thoughts were a million miles away.
She seemed to be measuring him.

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