On 30/08/15 15:10, Robert Millan wrote:
But that's not what you were asking for. I don't know what's wrong
based on the above. Can you paste the entire Makefile and command line?
Makefile is attached (in my tree, this is pci-userspace/src-gnu/Makefile)
Command-line is:
../../buildrump.sh/obj/tooldir/rumpmake dependall
Ah. That happens because the make which needs experimentalUser.c does not see
the rule in the current Makefile (everything in SUBDIR is run in another make).
The easy way to fix it is to add the following line to the Makefile containing
the rule and SUBDIRs:
.BEGIN: experimentalUser.c
It's a slightly weird way to use make, though.
I wonder if rump/dev/lib/libpci should look at a variable to decide if it needs to
include some further definitions, e.g. RUMPCOMP_MAKEFILEINC.compname. That would solve
both LDFLAGS and this issue. "leave it to the client"