El mié., 16 sept. 2015 a las 17:57, Robert Millan (<
rmh@gnu.org>) escribió:
The other problem I had is that I don't know how to make a single translator
service two separate device nodes (obviously you don't want to start a
different Rump instance for /dev/audio, /dev/mixer, etc as they would fight
each other trying to access the same hardware). At least for audio this is
a lesser problem though, as /dev/audio is useful as a standalone node.
Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong :)
I'm not sure you can service two files with the same translator instance, at least with the settrans tool. However, I don't see any fundamental limitation here, two files should be able to give you a send right to the same port on lookup. Except for how to know which one the send right was obtained from in the translator when a message from a client comes?
What comes to mind, is that a translator can serve a directory and the nodes inside it. The console does it, IIRC.
Thus, you could put the sound translator on top of say /dev/sound-stack/ which provides audio, mixer, etc nodes. And then link the standard locations to there.