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Re: mig not cross-building correctly

From: Olivier Valentin
Subject: Re: mig not cross-building correctly
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2023 07:30:24 +0100
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Le 5 décembre 2023 07:09:24 GMT+01:00, "Flávio Cruz" <flaviocruz@gmail.com> a 
écrit :
>Hmm, we haven't made any significant change in MiG recently that would
>break this.
>I think you need to do: ./configure --target=i686-unknown-linux-gnu. The
>target compiler will generate the file cpu.h which includes the required
>sizes when generating code for i686.
>If MiG is expecting sizeof(ipc_port_t) to be 8 bytes it's because a 64 bit
>compiler is being used for cpu.h.

I recall having reported this. Specifying the target explicitly (while building 
on a 64 bits linux) as 32 bits led to the port type being 8 bytes long.

Tried it with a plain 32 bits toolchain, and it gave the exact same result.

I am afraid in don't have any clue about the roots of this problem.


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