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[PATCH 11/14] add raw mach_msg tests

From: Luca Dariz
Subject: [PATCH 11/14] add raw mach_msg tests
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2023 20:42:58 +0100

 tests/test-machmsg.c | 390 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 390 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/test-machmsg.c

diff --git a/tests/test-machmsg.c b/tests/test-machmsg.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c262f5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-machmsg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+#include <mach/message.h>
+#include <mach/mach_types.h>
+#include <mach/vm_param.h>
+#include <syscalls.h>
+#include <testlib.h>
+#include <mach.user.h>
+#include <mach_port.user.h>
+#include <mach_host.user.h>
+#define ECHO_MAX_BODY_LEN 256
+static uint32_t align(uint32_t val, size_t aln)
+  // we should check aln is a power of 2
+  aln--;
+  return (val + aln) & (~aln);
+#define align_inline(val, n) { val = align(val, n); }
+struct echo_params
+  mach_port_t rx_port;
+  mach_msg_size_t rx_size;
+  mach_msg_size_t rx_number;
+void echo_thread (void *arg)
+  struct echo_params *params = arg;
+  int err;
+  struct message
+  {
+    mach_msg_header_t header;
+    char body[ECHO_MAX_BODY_LEN];
+  } message;
+  printf ("thread echo started\n");
+  for (mach_msg_size_t i=0; i<params->rx_number; i++)
+    {
+      message.header.msgh_local_port = params->rx_port;
+      message.header.msgh_size = sizeof (message);
+      err = mach_msg (&message.header,
+                      MACH_RCV_MSG,
+                      0, sizeof (message),
+                      params->rx_port, MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL);
+      ASSERT_RET(err, "mach_msg echo rx");
+      printf("echo rx %d expected 5d\n",
+             message.header.msgh_size, params->rx_size);
+      ASSERT(message.header.msgh_size == params->rx_size,
+             "wrong size in echo rx");
+      message.header.msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
+      printf ("echo: msgh_id %d\n", message.header.msgh_id);
+      err = mach_msg (&message.header,
+                      MACH_SEND_MSG,
+                      message.header.msgh_size, 0,
+      ASSERT_RET(err, "mach_msg echo tx");
+    }
+  printf ("thread echo stopped\n");
+  err = thread_terminate (mach_thread_self ());
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "thread_terminate");
+// TODO run_test_iterations
+test_iterations (void)
+  mach_port_t port, receive;
+  int err;
+  struct message
+  {
+    mach_msg_header_t header;
+    mach_msg_type_t type;
+    char data[64];
+  } message;
+  err = mach_port_allocate (mach_task_self (),
+                           MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &port);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "mach_port_allocate");
+  err = mach_port_allocate (mach_task_self (),
+                           MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &receive);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "mach_port_allocate 2");
+  struct echo_params params;
+  params.rx_port = port;
+  params.rx_size = sizeof(message.header) + sizeof(message.type) + 5;
+  align_inline(params.rx_size, MACH_MSG_USER_ALIGNMENT);
+  params.rx_number = TEST_ITERATIONS;
+  test_thread_start (mach_task_self (), echo_thread, &params);
+  time_value_t start_time;
+  err = host_get_time (mach_host_self (), &start_time);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "host_get_time");
+  /* Send a message down the port */
+  for (int i = 0; i < TEST_ITERATIONS; i++)
+    {
+      struct message message;
+      memset (&message, 0, sizeof (message));
+      strcpy (message.data, "ciao");
+      size_t datalen = strlen (message.data) + 1;
+      message.header.msgh_bits
+                         MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE);
+      message.header.msgh_remote_port = port;  /* Request port */
+      message.header.msgh_local_port = receive;        /* Reply port */
+      message.header.msgh_id = 123;    /* Message id */
+      message.header.msgh_size = sizeof (message.header) + sizeof 
(message.type) + datalen;    /* Message size */
+      align_inline(message.header.msgh_size, 4);
+      message.type.msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING;   /* Parameter type */
+      message.type.msgt_size = 8 * datalen;    /* # Bits */
+      message.type.msgt_number = 1;    /* Number of elements */
+      message.type.msgt_inline = TRUE; /* Inlined */
+      message.type.msgt_longform = FALSE;      /* Shortform */
+      message.type.msgt_deallocate = FALSE;    /* Do not deallocate */
+      message.type.msgt_unused = 0;    /* = 0 */
+      /* Send the message on its way and wait for a reply.  */
+      err = mach_msg (&message.header, /* The header */
+                     MACH_SEND_MSG | MACH_RCV_MSG,     /* Flags */
+                     message.header.msgh_size, /* Send size */
+                     sizeof (message), /* Max receive Size */
+                     receive,  /* Receive port */
+                     MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE,    /* No timeout */
+                     MACH_PORT_NULL);  /* No notification */
+      ASSERT_RET(err, "mach_msg txrx");
+    }
+  time_value_t stop_time;
+  err = host_get_time (mach_host_self (), &stop_time);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "host_get_time");
+  printf ("start: %d.%06d\n", start_time.seconds, start_time.microseconds);
+  printf ("stop: %d.%06d\n", stop_time.seconds, stop_time.microseconds);
+  Test a specific message type on tx, rx and rx-continue paths
+  We need to be able to create a thread for this, so some rpc must work.
+run_test_simple(void *msg, mach_msg_size_t msglen, mach_msg_id_t msgid)
+  mach_msg_header_t *head = msg;
+  mach_port_t port, receive;
+  int err;
+  err = syscall_mach_port_allocate (mach_task_self (),
+                                    MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &port);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "syscall_mach_port_allocate");
+  err = syscall_mach_port_allocate (mach_task_self (),
+                                    MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &receive);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "syscall_mach_port_allocate 2");
+  struct echo_params params;
+  params.rx_port = port;
+  params.rx_size = msglen;
+  params.rx_number = 1;
+  test_thread_start (mach_task_self (), echo_thread, &params);
+  msleep(100);
+  head->msgh_bits
+                      MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE);
+  head->msgh_remote_port = port;
+  head->msgh_local_port = receive;
+  head->msgh_id = msgid;
+  head->msgh_size = msglen;
+  err = mach_msg (msg,
+                  MACH_SEND_MSG | MACH_RCV_MSG,
+                  msglen,
+                  msglen,
+                  receive,
+                  MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE,
+                  MACH_PORT_NULL);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "mach_msg txrx");
+  printf("size in final rx: %d expected %d\n", head->msgh_size, msglen);
+  ASSERT(head->msgh_size == msglen, "wrong size in final rx");
+run_test_simple_self(void *msg, mach_msg_size_t msglen, mach_msg_id_t msgid)
+  mach_msg_header_t *head = msg;
+  mach_port_t port, receive;
+  int err;
+  err = syscall_mach_port_allocate (mach_task_self (),
+                                    MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &port);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "syscall_mach_port_allocate");
+  head->msgh_bits
+                      MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE);
+  /* head->msgh_bits */
+  /*                     MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND); */
+  head->msgh_bits |= MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX;
+  head->msgh_remote_port = port;
+  head->msgh_local_port = port;
+  head->msgh_id = msgid;
+  head->msgh_size = msglen;
+  err = mach_msg (msg,
+                  MACH_SEND_MSG | MACH_RCV_MSG,
+                  msglen,
+                  msglen,
+                  port,
+                  MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE,
+                  MACH_PORT_NULL);
+  ASSERT_RET(err, "mach_msg txrx");
+  printf("size in final rx: %d expected %d\n", head->msgh_size, msglen);
+  ASSERT(head->msgh_size == msglen, "wrong size in final rx\n");
+void test_msg_string(void)
+  struct message
+  {
+    mach_msg_header_t header;
+    mach_msg_type_t type;
+    char data[64];
+  } msg;
+  char *test_strings[] = {"123", "12345", "ciaociao"};
+  memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (struct message));
+  strcpy (msg.data, "ciao");
+  size_t datalen = strlen (msg.data) + 1;
+  int msgid = 123;
+  int msglen = sizeof (msg.header) + sizeof (msg.type) + datalen;
+  align_inline(msglen, MACH_MSG_USER_ALIGNMENT);
+  msg.type.msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING;
+  msg.type.msgt_size = 8 * datalen;
+  msg.type.msgt_number = 1;
+  msg.type.msgt_inline = TRUE;
+  msg.type.msgt_longform = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_deallocate = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_unused = 0;
+  run_test_simple_self(&msg, msglen, msgid);
+  run_test_simple(&msg, msglen, msgid);
+void test_msg_string2(void)
+  struct message
+  {
+    mach_msg_header_t header;
+    mach_msg_type_t type;
+    char data[10];
+    mach_msg_type_t type2;
+    char data2[5];
+  } msg;
+  const int len1 = 10;
+  const int len2 = 5;
+  memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (struct message));
+  int msgid = 123;
+  int msglen = sizeof (msg.header) + sizeof (msg.type) + len1;
+  align_inline(msglen, MACH_MSG_USER_ALIGNMENT);
+  msglen += sizeof (msg.type2) + len2;
+  align_inline(msglen, MACH_MSG_USER_ALIGNMENT);
+  msg.type.msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING;
+  msg.type.msgt_size = 8 * len1;
+  msg.type.msgt_number = 1;
+  msg.type.msgt_inline = TRUE;
+  msg.type.msgt_longform = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_deallocate = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_unused = 0;
+  memset (msg.data, 'c', len1);
+  msg.type2.msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_CHAR;
+  msg.type2.msgt_size = 8;
+  msg.type2.msgt_number = len2;
+  msg.type2.msgt_inline = TRUE;
+  msg.type2.msgt_longform = FALSE;
+  msg.type2.msgt_deallocate = FALSE;
+  msg.type2.msgt_unused = 0;
+  memset (msg.data2, 'x', len2);
+  run_test_simple_self(&msg, msglen, msgid);
+  run_test_simple(&msg, msglen, msgid);
+void test_msg_ports(void)
+  struct message
+  {
+    mach_msg_header_t head;
+    mach_msg_type_t type;
+    mach_port_t *portp;
+  } msg;
+  mach_port_t msgports[3];
+  memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (struct message));
+  int msgid = 123;
+  int msglen = sizeof (msg.head) + sizeof (msg.type) + sizeof(msg.portp);
+  msg.type.msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND;
+  msg.type.msgt_size = 8*sizeof(mach_port_t);
+  msg.type.msgt_number = 3;
+  msg.type.msgt_inline = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_longform = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_deallocate = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_unused = 0;
+  msg.portp = msgports;
+  msgports[0] = mach_host_self();
+  msgports[1] = mach_task_self();
+  msgports[2] = mach_thread_self();
+  run_test_simple_self(&msg, msglen, msgid);
+  run_test_simple(&msg, msglen, msgid);
+void test_msg_emptydesc(void)
+  struct message
+  {
+    mach_msg_header_t header;
+    mach_msg_type_t type_empty;
+    vm_offset_t addr_empty;
+    mach_msg_type_t type;
+    char data[64];
+  } msg;
+  memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (struct message));
+  strcpy (msg.data, "ciao");
+  size_t datalen = strlen (msg.data) + 1;
+  int msgid = 123;
+  int msglen = sizeof (msg.header);
+  msglen += sizeof (msg.type_empty)+ sizeof (msg.addr_empty);
+  msglen += sizeof (msg.type) + datalen;
+  align_inline(msglen, MACH_MSG_USER_ALIGNMENT);
+  msg.type_empty.msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING;
+  msg.type_empty.msgt_size = 8;
+  msg.type_empty.msgt_number = 0;
+  msg.type_empty.msgt_inline = FALSE;
+  msg.type_empty.msgt_longform = FALSE;
+  msg.type_empty.msgt_deallocate = FALSE;
+  msg.type_empty.msgt_unused = 0;
+  msg.addr_empty = 0;
+  msg.type.msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING;
+  msg.type.msgt_size = 8 * datalen;
+  msg.type.msgt_number = 1;
+  msg.type.msgt_inline = TRUE;
+  msg.type.msgt_longform = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_deallocate = FALSE;
+  msg.type.msgt_unused = 0;
+  run_test_simple_self(&msg, msglen, msgid);
+  run_test_simple(&msg, msglen, msgid);
+main (int argc, char *argv[], int envc, char *envp[])
+  printf("test_msg_string()\n");
+  test_msg_string();
+  printf("test_msg_string2()\n");
+  test_msg_string2();
+  printf("test_msg_ports()\n");
+  test_msg_ports();
+  printf("test_msg_emptydesc()\n");
+  test_msg_emptydesc();
+  printf("test_iters()\n");
+  test_iterations();
+  return 0;

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