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[PATCH 3/5] I put all "developer references" on hurd/documentation.

From: address@hidden
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] I put all "developer references" on hurd/documentation.
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 13:29:47 -0400

The pages hurd and hurd/documentation both have "documentation
sections".  That seems a little silly.  I am added a link in hurd to
"developer documentation" that links to hurd/documentation.

* hurd: link to hurd/documentation.
* hurd/documentation: combine the documentation from both hurd and
 hurd.mdwn               | 31 ++---------------
 hurd/documentation.mdwn | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hurd.mdwn b/hurd.mdwn
index 041dad38..b0bcfa4c 100644
--- a/hurd.mdwn
+++ b/hurd.mdwn
@@ -80,32 +80,5 @@ in the *unstable* branch of the Debian archive.
 * [[Open Issues|tag/open_issue_hurd]]
-# Developer References
-* [[Coding_Style]]
-* [[Rules]]
-* [[Trackers]]
-* [[Building]]
-* [[Toolchain]]
-    * [[glibc]]
-* RPC [[Interface]]s
-* Libraries
-  * [[libpager]]
-  * [[libports]]
-  * [[libstore]]
-  * [[libchannel]]
-  * [[libtrivfs]]
-  * [[libnetfs]] -- short introductory material
-  * [[libdiskfs]]
-  * [[libihash]]
-  * [[libpthread]]
-  * [[libfshelp]]
-  * [[libps]]
-* In-development Libraries
-  * [[libfuse]]
-* [[IO_Path]]
-* [[Porting]]
-* [[Debugging]]
-* [[Networking]]
-* [[Console]]
-* [[System bootstrap|hurd/bootstrap]]
+# [[Documentation|hurd/documentation]]
diff --git a/hurd/documentation.mdwn b/hurd/documentation.mdwn
index 50fd3c89..82a4ee66 100644
--- a/hurd/documentation.mdwn
+++ b/hurd/documentation.mdwn
@@ -59,35 +59,65 @@ is included in the section entitled
     applied, comparisions to other systems.
-# Development
+# Developer References
+* [[Coding_Style]]
+* [[Rules]]
+* [[Trackers]]
+* [[Building]]
+* [[Toolchain]]
+    * [[glibc]]
+* RPC [[Interface]]s
+* Libraries
+  * [[libpager]]
+  * [[libports]]
+  * [[libstore]]
+  * [[libchannel]]
+  * [[libtrivfs]]
+  * [[libnetfs]] -- short introductory material
+  * [[libdiskfs]]
+  * [[libihash]]
+  * [[libpthread]]
+  * [[libfshelp]]
+  * [[libps]]
+* In-development Libraries
+  * [[libfuse]]
+* [[IO_Path]]
+* [[Porting]]
+* [[Debugging]]
+* [[Networking]]
+* [[Console]]
+* [[System bootstrap|hurd/bootstrap]]
+* Additional references
   * [[RPC]]: our usage of *Remote Procedure Call*s.
   * To get `ssh <hostname>.local` working, you can set up the
-    [[hurd/terrible-mdns-responder]].
-  * The [[System Bootstrap|hurd/bootstrap]] explains how the early
-    boot of the Hurd works.  There is an alternative [[RFC bootstrap
-    proposal|open_issues/serverbootv2]].
+       [[hurd/terrible-mdns-responder]].
+  * The [[System Bootstrap|hurd/bootstrap]] explains how the early boot
+       of the Hurd works.  There is an alternative [[RFC bootstrap
+       proposal|open_issues/serverbootv2]].
   * You should read the Hurd's [[IO path|hurd/io_path]] to learn how
-    glibc's `read ()` works on the Hurd.
+       glibc's `read ()` works on the Hurd.
   * *[[The_GNU_Hurd_Reference_Manual|reference_manual]]*.
-  * [[*The Hurd Hacking Guide|Hurd_Hacking_Guide]]*, an introduction to 
GNU&nbsp;Hurd and Mach
-    programming by Wolfgang Jährling.
+  * [[*The Hurd Hacking Guide|Hurd_Hacking_Guide]]*, an introduction to
+       GNU&nbsp;Hurd and Mach programming by Wolfgang Jährling.
   * [*Manually Bootstrapping a
-    a text by Neal Walfield about how to *manually connect the translator to
-    the filesystem*.
-  * [[*The_Authentication_Server*|auth]], the transcript of a talk about the
-    details of the authentication mechanisms in the Hurd by Wolfgang Jährling.
+       a text by Neal Walfield about how to *manually connect the
+       translator to the filesystem*.
+  * [[*The_Authentication_Server*|auth]], the transcript of a talk about
+    the details of the authentication mechanisms in the Hurd by
+    Wolfgang Jährling.
   * [*The Mach Paging Interface as Used by the
-    Hurd*](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/l4-hurd/2002-06/msg00001.html), a
-    text by Neal Walfield.
+    Hurd*](http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/l4-hurd/2002-06/msg00001.html),
+    a text by Neal Walfield.
   * In the
-    Neal Walfield and Marcus Brinkmann give an overview about how a future,
-    subsequent system may be architected.
-  * [*Generalizing mobility for the 
-    a thesis written by Carl Fredrik Hammar,
-    investigates the mobility aspect of stores
-    and how it can be generalized and used for other applications.
-    The background chapter may be of interest to new developers.
+  Neal Walfield and Marcus Brinkmann give an overview about how a
+  future, subsequent system may be architected.
+  * [*Generalizing mobility for the
+    a thesis written by Carl Fredrik Hammar, investigates the mobility
+    aspect of stores and how it can be generalized and used for other
+    applications.  The background chapter may be of interest to new
+    developers.
   * [[Ada4Hurd]]: some tools to write translators with Ada

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