Since it was founded in 1996,CyberOrient
has provided excellent services for foreign companies which are
mainly from Fortune 500.The combination of information technology
and 30 years' headhunting experience makes us to be the specialized
executive search company in China.CyberOrient has gained its
reputation on its localized quality service.
We have fast growing high quality
candidate inventory.That includes:1.People from oversea who have
extensive experience in multinational company and Chinese experience
They are bilingual,and have good knowledge on Chinese
culture.2.Native talents who are bilingual and work in foreign and
Chinese company with excellent knowledge and experience on
management.The talent resource is key for our success.
We provide one-stop service on executive
search including searching, testing, evaluating, and salary
assessing, human resource consulting. The talents classification and
search will be done automatically under international standard for
24 hours a day. The integration of On-Line and Off-Line searching
system enables the implementation of client's
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