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Re: [bug-mailutils] Status of 3.0

From: Sergey Poznyakoff
Subject: Re: [bug-mailutils] Status of 3.0
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2011 12:12:04 +0300

Jordi Mallach <address@hidden> ha escrit:

> In my copious free time, I could try to give MU 3.0 a whirl and go ahead
> and package the latest pre version you have been tagging.

That would be great. 

> However, before
> any upload to Debian, it's important to know if the API/ABI is subject to
> changes before the final release,

I don't plan any further major changes, unless some critical bug is
found that would make me do so (but that's unlikely).

> because in that case I'd be forced to bump sonames and diverge from
> the official soname, and that would be... horrible. :)

FWIW, notice that the library version number has changed, compared to
that of version 2.2 (from 3.2.1 to 4.0.0).

> What are the plans regarding this?

In the (not so) long run, the following needs be done in order to be
ready for the release: (1) finish IMAP client support, (2) revamp NNTP
client support, (3) write documentation, (4) possibly revise Python and
C++ libraries.

In the short run, I'm going to fix the bug you reported yesterday and
make an alpha release for you to package.  It should take a couple of
days at most.  I'll let you know when it is ready.


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