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Re: misplaced cursor when a double-width character is near the lower-rig

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: misplaced cursor when a double-width character is near the lower-right corner
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 19:36:23 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 10:56:31AM +0100, Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Op 13-01-2021 om 12:28 schreef Benno Schulenberg:
> > 
> >     src/nano --ignorercfiles --nohelp
> > 
> > Then type ^W and paste "123ㄓ" (without the quotes) as the answer (or if
> > you prefer to type it: 123 M-V 003113), and type <Home>.  Now hold down
> > "x" until the cactus character is exactly three spaces before the right
> > edge.  See that the cursor is on the "1".  Now type "a".  The cursor is
> > still on the "1".  Now type "b".  Oh: the cursor has moved to the "2".
> > Now type "c".  Ouch: the screen has scrolled, the cactus character has
> > been pushed to the next row, the title bar has disappeared, the end of
> > the prompt bar has "ab1c123 ", and the cursor is below the c.
> Can you reproduce this, Thomas?  Or am I seeing ghosts?

I haven't gotten to it yet: generally I work on ncurses on Saturdays,
and this past weekend, investigating the pmake took up the available

(at the moment I expect to investigate this one on this weekend)

Thomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>

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