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Re: [Bug-ocrad] re: contributing

From: Antonio Diaz Diaz
Subject: Re: [Bug-ocrad] re: contributing
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 19:46:23 +0200
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Albert L. Lukaszewski wrote:
I currently code in Python, and sometimes C or Perl.  I know C++ but
have not used it much for purposes of productivity.  Is the ocrad
project open to others beside yourselves?  If so, would there be a
place for someone with my basic skillset?
Of course you can contribute code or documentation to Ocrad. Just find 
something that Ocrad lacks, tell me about it (to avoid duplication of 
efforts), code it and send me a patch. But I advise you to find an 
easier project to develop your coding skills before trying to contribute 
code to Ocrad.

Antonio Diaz.

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