On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 11:40:40AM -0500, Mathieu Bruneau wrote:
Harley D. Eades III wrote:
Mathieu Bruneau <address@hidden> writes:
I just updated the website for this new version with a direct link to
it and a fix in the TOC order (CVS access was after Documentation but
that wasn't the same as the document real order)
Nice, how about adding GNU/Hurd as one of the supported operating systems?
Bug-parted mailing list
I added that information as well. A few time ago Sven asked for links to
different distribution's parted package but as for the gnu website I'm
not supposed to link to any page containing non-free software. So
most(if not all) distribution links are "not welcome" on gnu.org page.
Huh ? since when is parted packaged version for the different distribs
considered non-free ? There must be some reality strange thing going on at the
FSF if they forbid to link to the actual parted package page. What and they
releasing documentation under non-free licence anyway and such.
Sven Luther