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Re: rl_complete(0, '?') should never insert into the line buffer

From: Chet Ramey
Subject: Re: rl_complete(0, '?') should never insert into the line buffer
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 16:49:59 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 5/23/24 4:41 PM, Pip Cet wrote:
On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 3:48 PM Chet Ramey <chet.ramey@case.edu> wrote:
Please forgive me for reordering your email a little, but I think it's
best if we start with this:

The appropriate fix is to separate the behavior of
`possible-completions' and consecutive invocations of `complete' so that
using M-? doesn't result in a completion being inserted.
That will be
in the next version of bash/readline, and it's in the respective devel
git branches now. I'm not sure that's going to help your particular use
case, though.

If M-? is fixed never to insert text, that addresses this bug.

That's what I'm talking about. The behavior of consecutive TABs to insert a
single completion if one exists even after the previous TAB failed to
generate any possible completions stays, but M-? doesn't insert anything.

appears to be a separate and very recent readline bug which makes TAB
after a failed completion list completions rather than insert a unique
completion, but I hadn't even noticed that one

You're going to have to be more specific; see below.

Consider the case that this is designed to address:

Can you expand that example a little? I think there's a
misunderstanding here somewhere, and I strongly suspect it's on my

Here are the two interpretations I have of what you describe, using
bash and default key bindings:

1. user is in a directory with no x* files.
2. user enters c a t > x TAB
3. no completions appear
4. user goes to another window and creates "xyz"
5. user enters TAB again
6. The command line now reads "cat>xyz"

That interpretation works with and without the code in question, using
my system version of readline and bash.

OK, we'll go through the history. Through bash-5.0, step 5 above would have
resulted in readline listing the single possible completion `xyz', leaving
the command line unchanged. I changed this in bash-5.1, so a second TAB
gets you the behavior in step 6 above.

In bash-5.1, hitting M-? in step 5 above also results in readline inserting
'yz' into the line. This is the behavior you identified as a bug.

In bash-5.2, hitting M-? in step 5 lists the single possible completion and
leaves the command line unchanged. This is the appropriate behavior (but
see below).

It appears to fail with the
current master branch of readline, but that's a separate bug entirely.

It depends on what you mean by `fail' with the version of
bash-5.2/readline-8.2 I distribute. Again, see below.

The other one is:

1. user is in a directory with no x* files.
2. user enters c a t > x TAB
3. no completions appear
4. user goes to another window and creates "xyz"
5. user enters M-?
6. The command line now reads "cat>xyz"

This was the bash-5.1/readline-8.1 behavior, changed in bash-5.2.

Since the last readline command was
attempted completion,
the default behavior is to list possible completions,

the behavior of TAB or M-? ? The code I referenced does not depend in
any way on what the last readline command was, it just checks the last
completion command, which may have been a while ago, failed.

You should look at the caller. That second TAB doesn't get you the call to
rl_complete_internal with the '?' argument unless the last readline
function invoked was rl_complete, which ensures that checking whether or
not the last completion failed is using current data.

The problem even in bash-5.2 is that, under most circumstances, M-? doesn't reset or check that and can potentially insert "yz" into the line. That is
what is fixed in the devel branch and bash-5.3-alpha.

``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
                 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, UTech, CWRU    chet@case.edu    http://tiswww.cwru.edu/~chet/

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