the pond, from which it was obvious that he seeing this locality for the
first time and that it interested him. His gaze halted on the upper storeys,
whose panes threw back a blinding, fragmented reflection of the sun which
was setting on Mikhail Alexandrovich for ever ; he then looked downwards to
where the windows were turning darker in the early evening twilight, smiled
patronisingly at something, frowned, placed his hands on the knob of his
cane and laid his chin on his hands.
'You see, Ivan,' said Berlioz,' you have written a marvellously
satirical description of the birth of Jesus, the son of God, but the whole
joke lies in the fact that there had already been a whole series of sons of
God before Jesus, such as the Phoenician Adonis, the Phrygian Attis, the
Persian Mithras. Of course not one of these ever existed, including Jesus,
and instead of the nativity or the arrival of the Magi you should have
described the absurd rumours about their arrival. But according to your
story the nativity really took place! '
Here Bezdomny made an effort to stop his torturing hiccups and held
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