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Site Name Change Softlandindia.com

From: Murali Kumar
Subject: Site Name Change Softlandindia.com
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 21:21:12 +0500

Dear Sir / Madam

We have changed our domain name from softlandindia.com to softlandmark.com due 
to technical problems beyond our control. We greatly regret any inconvenience 
caused to all our visitors and friends. We humbly request you to bear with us 
and assure to all that everything else would be the same as before. 
Softlandmark would always keep in sight the high professional standards for 
which softlandindia was famous for. We ask your continuous support. 

You the visitors are the reason for our existence, sole sustenance and the hope 
for a New Creation.

Linux Applications Area Site URL   www.softlandmark.com/Linux/

Windows  Applications Area Site URL   www.softlandmark.com

Description  India's Website for freeware and shareware. All the Best softwares 
are listed and organized in Categories with the latest versions.

Thanks and Regards,

K.Murali Kumar

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