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[Bug-tar] [Virus Found] Your e-mail was Blocked. [0821005816653]

From: filter
Subject: [Bug-tar] [Virus Found] Your e-mail was Blocked. [0821005816653]
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 00:58:18 +0900

Hello, This is Today and Tomorrow Anti-Virus Mail-System.

We guess that your e-mail which destined to  address@hidden is virtus attached.
If you would like to contact about this action, please e-mail to address@hidden 
including your ID.
Here is your ID: 0821005816653
[FILENAME] Blocking Reason: No executable files allowed through this system
Files Blocked:

>>> Virus 'W32/Sobig-F' found in file 
>>> /usr/local/inflex/tmp/inf_0821005816653/unpacked/document_9446.pif

======= Today and Tomorrow Anti-Virus System(http://tt.co.kr/) ======


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