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[Bug-tar] Wish list : switch to only print volume label

From: Etienne Goyer
Subject: [Bug-tar] Wish list : switch to only print volume label
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 16:07:49 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/


Just a suggestion.  Maybe something to add to the wishlist (if there is
one for GNU tar).

I would like a switch to make GNU tar print the volume label to STDOUT, 
then exit with success.

I guess somthing along the line of :

address@hidden /]$ tar --print-label -f /dev/st0
My volume label
address@hidden /]$ echo $?
address@hidden /]$

Thanks !

Etienne Goyer                    Linux Québec Technologies Inc.
http://www.LinuxQuebec.com       address@hidden

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