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[Bug-tar] wishlist: transparent compression on file- and not archive lev

From: Christian Hammers
Subject: [Bug-tar] wishlist: transparent compression on file- and not archive level
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:57:58 +0200


For backups, many people decide against the usual compressing method
via "-j"/"-c" as one single tape/disk medium error makes the complete
tar archive unusable.

To circumvent this drawback tar could use libz to zip the individual
file chunks inside the tar archive so that in the case of a bit error
on the medium only one file gets corrupted - which would be the case
in the present implementation anyway.

Of course this would be an incompatible change but when calling the
result .tar.czip (chunkwise zipped) that should be ok, or?

What do you think?



"Arp! Arp!" - the mating call of the lonely packet

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